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CO-OP Shared Branching Awareness Week

GNO FCU is excited to share that we are joining our fellow credit unions in Louisiana to celebrate Shared Branching Awareness Week May 22-26. Throughout the week, we will be reminding 1.3 million members across the state of this added…

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Don't let money worries rob you of sleep

Don’t Let Money Worries Rob You of Sleep

Money worries keep many Americans up at night. A recent survey by NextAdvisor found that 51% of Americans were anxious about their financial situation. The top 3 worries were debt, lack of savings, and not having enough for retirement. If…

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Review Your Financial Situation

Review Your Financial Situation Regularly

To stay in good physical health, most people get a medical check-up on a regular basis. To keep your finances manageable, they need a regular check-up as well. It’s particularly important to review your finances if there have been changes…

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A Message From Our CEO

Dear Valued Member: I am honored to have served my second year as the President of YOUR credit union! The spirit of the credit union movement from the beginning has been people helping people. Did you know that one of…

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Your Credit Union: A Safe Harbor

It’s unsettling to see major swings in the stock market, or to observe heated exchanges among political leaders about the best financial course for the country. Turmoil in the economy has many consumers feeling at sea. It’s understandable that you…

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Can your credit limit decrease?

Can Your Credit Limit Decrease?  

Have you ever had your credit card denied only to find out that your credit limit had been lowered? According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the credit card issuer can lower your limit at any time, and they are…

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Getting Advice on Money Matters

When we have a toothache, we see a dentist. If we're plagued with personal problems, we might see a counselor. But when we need advice about finances, many of us don't know where to look. The common tendency is to…

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The Case for Debt Consolidation

The Case for Debt Consolidation

Consolidating your credit card bills into a single loan can be a wise financial move. Debt consolidation can lower your overall interest costs, reduce your monthly payoff, eliminate late fees and over-the-limit charges, and allow for one, convenient monthly payment…

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