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$2,000 Enola M. Fee 2025 Scholarship Award

For over 20 years Enola Fee was a loyal board member at our credit union and contributed many hours of her time and knowledge to help GNO achieve its success. We truly appreciate her years of commitment and devotion to GNO. We have named the GNO annual scholarship award in her honor. The leadership and direction that she provided in the past will always be remembered in the present.

In 1935, when credit unions were helping Americans through the Great Depression, the treasurer of a Midwestern credit union said that credit unions were “not for profit, not for charity, but for service,” and that philosophy holds true today. It is a philosophy that as Americans, we should hold true in our everyday lives. The purpose of our scholarship is to introduce our younger members to the values of cooperatives and the spirit of volunteerism.

As a part of GNO’s Enola M. Fee Scholarship Contest, high school seniors are requested to submit an essay. This essay should highlight how they hope to deliver the philosophy “not for profit, not for charity, but for service” throughout their life’s journey to their community and country. They should include what this philosophy means to them and how they plan to use it to assist others.

The scholarship application and eligibility requirements are outlined on the application available below and should be submitted via mail or delivery no later than the deadline, March 14, 2025. Essays will be judged on originality, content and grammar quality. Three scholarships will be awarded. Winners will be notified by April 18, 2025, in time for graduation.

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