Discounts for Military Personnel and Veterans
There is no greater sacrifice than putting one’s own life on the line for the sake of others. The men and women currently in the military or our veterans are honored each year on Veteran’s Day for their courage in times of war, their discipline, and their service to our Country. As a small gesture of appreciation, many businesses offer Military members special discounts and deals – and not just on Veterans day!
Here is a list of websites that offer deals and discounts specifically for active duty, reservists, retirees, veterans, and their families:
• The Military Wallet https://themilitarywallet.com/military-discounts/ Discounts on retail stores, airlines, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment.
• Military.com https://www.military.com/discounts Scroll to the bottom of the list to “Popular Categories” to find listings for discounts and freebies on specific types of products and services.
• Deal News https://www.dealnews.com/features/Oorah-Ka-Ching-Guide-to-Military-Discounts/1114657.html has a list of discounts and freebies offered specifically to active duty, reservists, veterans, and their family members.
• Military Benefits https://militarybenefits.info/military-discounts/ lists hundreds of discounts for various products and services which are available to veterans year-round.
• Veterans Advantage https://www.veteransadvantage.com/ To get special military deals, you must show your government-issued Military or veteran ID. Those cards contain sensitive information that could put you at risk of identity theft. One of the benefits on this site is to offer their free VetRewards Secure Military ID, which only shows your name, branch of service, and VetRewards Member ID. When doing business with their Benefit Partners, you only need to show this VetRewards card.
If you are currently on active duty or are a veteran, always ask if the retailer or service provider offers a military discount.
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